CFM Exam Preparation Toolkit

Pass the CFM exam by IFMA from the first attempt!

Course Format

Exam Preparation Toolkit

Course Level

Expert Level



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This course Includes:

  • 1000+ questions study toolkit

  • 180+ questions Exam Simulator

  • Case studies section

  • Glossaries

About the course 


How to use the toolkit


This toolkit is the most comprehensive CFM exam preparation toolkit available online, prepared by experts in facility management to help you pass the CFM exam and obtain the CFM certification on the first attempt!

Take no risk with the 800$ exam cost!

If you want to enroll in an Exam preparation workshop, Check out our course; the 36 hour live Certified Facility Manager (CFM) exam preparation course is the most comprehensive course available online. 
The Toolkit includes everything you need to pass IFMA's CFM exam, with a step by step guide to prepare and obtain your certification in no time!

Key Takeaways:

  • Assess your knowledge of all the (11 core competencies) of Facility Management.
  • Identify your strengths and weaknesses across CFM exam topics and course modules.
  • Meet the demands of global employers.
  • Understand which courses you need to build a training plan to your unique skillset based on your test results.

Who this course is for:

  • Facility Managers aiming for the CFM Exam.
  • Facility Management Professionals assessing their FM competencies.
  • Built-Environment professionals involved in BE operations.
  • Engineers, Building Managers, and Maintenance professionals evaluating their Facility Management skills.
  • Individuals interested in a career in Facility Management.

01 Attend a CFM exam preparation training

If you want to enroll in an Exam preparation workshop, checkout the CFM Course!

02 Start with the pretest, score above 80%

03 Take Quizzes on Each Competency

If you encounter unfamiliar questions or subject areas, review the specific area on the CFM material from IFMA.

04 Read All Case Studies

Solve the questions to apply your knowledge in practical facility management scenarios.

05 Take the CFM Exam simulator

those are test practice questions that are very similar to the real IFMA CFM exam. Keep trying to pass with 80% or above, without looking at the answer the explanations. once you pass all quizzes with a score of 80% and above... 

Once you pass the CFM exam simulator, you are ready for IFMA Certified Facility Manager Exam!

visit the IFMA website to apply for the CFM exam.
Note that the materials provided by IFMA and its affiliates for the preparation of the Certified Facility Manager (CFM) Exam are not required to be submitted by the Certification Commission as stated on IFMA official website. However, they are optional study resources and can be used by individuals who wish to improve their skills.
Notice and disclaimer: This CFM exam preparation toolkit is developed by industry professionals including students of the course, where BEI is a semi open learning platform and every student contribution is verified by the instructor/s and can be added to the course material if found relevant. the material is developed to help FM professionals and practitioners test their knowledge and competency in facility management through real-life scenario questions, as well as help them prepare for relevant industry credentials or certifications like IFMA's CFM certification exam, FMP credential, IWFM qualifications, MEFMA CFM certification (Motamad) and pro FM credential. however, the practice test is not a part or constitutes any part of such credentials, international certifications, or material related to the credentialing organizations. the built environment institute do not distribute or redistribute any material or part of material from credentialing organizations or other organizations. Built environment institute does not allow individual instructors to redistribute or use any unauthorized material. And students who wish to read the international facility management association material prepare using the material provided by it or other credentialing organizations shall purchase such material at their own cost and directly from such organizations or their official channels. Any use of unauthorized material or protected content shall be reported to the built environment institute for review and removal.

What our learners say

Chandy Matthew
A Very useful toolkit, with very tricky and intelligent questions. This is also a good preparation platform for students and learners who are really looking out to get through the CFM exam in flying colours. Thank you very much for this awesome kit Dear Jawad !
Adnan Atwa
New concept to deliver the information, great approach, and letting you understand what the FM is. Moreover, it's a real IFMA simulation exam. In short, just study this material and apply for your CFM exam. Thanks for Mr. Jawad AlTamimi for dedicating his time to help us.
Pradeep Srinivas
I have completed though only one competency , I am feeling confident after taking the quiz. I hope the questions covers the whole subject and need not to go through other books / references.
Ali Raza
Perfect CFM exam preparation toolkit. Chapter by chapter quiz helps a lot in learning. Definitely recommended.
Walter White
Online learning and training have become an essential part of our society. LearnWorlds is one of the top platforms to create and sell online courses.
Walter White
Online learning and training have become an essential part of our society. LearnWorlds is one of the top platforms to create and sell online courses.
Ali Raza
Perfect CFM exam preparation toolkit. Chapter by chapter quiz helps a lot in learning. Definitely recommended
Walter White
Online learning and training have become an essential part of our society. LearnWorlds is one of the top platforms to create and sell online courses.
Walter White
Online learning and training have become an essential part of our society. LearnWorlds is one of the top platforms to create and sell online courses.

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