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  Facility Management

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  Built Environment Sustainability

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  Smart Built Environment


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Your certificate and Expert badge is digitally available and can be shared on your LinkedIn profile, and your CV.
Get the Built Environment Institute Professional Certificate after passing the course

What Our Students Say

"Totally outrageous! The institute is making an Impact in offering an affordable quality learning for all Professionals taking a big step towards their Interpersonal and Intrapersonal growth."
Mary Jane B. Nuñez
"Thanks so much for providing a brilliant platform to test ourselves and prepare for the CFM exam by IFMA. the CFM course was the best facility management courses and we benefited a lot"
Sajnay Jason
"The CFM course have intense amount of information, and its very challenging. But the instructor was able to break it down for us in easy and understandable way. He is also very engaging and lead an active class. I recommend anyone looking for facility management courses to join BEI courses. thank you so much"
Saleh Mohammed
"Engaging delivery, valuable information, helpful practice activities, and knowledgeable instructor. I would recommend anyone searching for facility management courses online to join the BEI CFM course of FMP certification course"
Mohammed Allam
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